Spotlight Resource

This is Marisa’s BRAND NEW course that focuses on helping you make lasting positive change in your life. In this incredible 7-day course, you’ll uncover the secrets to a successful life!

Over the course of seven days, you’ll identify your limiting beliefs and, using Marisa’s powerful Rules of the Mind, you’ll break down the barriers standing in the way of your successful life.

In the end, this program will leave you with the unshakable conviction that You Are Enough.

Teacher Spotlight: Marisa Peer

(Use the links below to check out programs, books, and other resources from Marisa).


Here’s my favorite YouTube video from Marisa:


Marisa’s philosophy of personal development can be summed up in these words: “I love giving people really simple techniques that are life-changing.”

You see, like many people with a background in psychology/counseling, Marisa was told that it would take her a lifetime to learn everything she needed to know to help her clients. However, she chose not to accept this statement. Instead, she dedicated her time and energy to finding ways to help her clients quickly identifying the source of their struggles and go to work improving their lives.

This has led her to incredible success not only in her therapy practice (where she consistently works with celebrities and high achievers), but she’s also created numerous programs and resources to help everyday people just like us find success and fulfillment as well.


Marisa’s core message is summed up in one idea: She wants everyone in the world to come to the understanding and acceptance of the expression “I Am Enough.” This idea is at the core of everything she teaches, because she believes the root of all of our struggles begins with the belief that we’re not enough.


 I Am Enough, Perfect Weight Forever, Self-Hypnosis & Rapid Transformational Therapy


I Am Enough, Tell Yourself A Better Lie, Ultimate Confidence, You Can Be Thin, You Can Be Younger,

Increased Confidence & Self-Esteem, Trying to Get Pregnant (And Succeeding)


Main Website:

Click here to learn more about Marisa.

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