Absolutely anyone can lead a life of intentional influence and impact!

That includes highly sensitive people and empaths with big dreams!

The Success Cycle (and the other resources you’ll find here) are designed to equip you with the skills you need to live your boldest, most impactful HSP life… at home, at school, at work, and everywhere in between!

The resources you’ll discover here revolve around 3 core areas of personal growth: 

Step 1: Reclaiming Your Identity

(Getting back into alignment with your authentic self…) 

10 Key Aspects of Your Authentic Self Graphic

Are you out of alignment with your authentic self?

Does it feel like you’re living a life designed by someone else FOR someone else?

In this step, you’ll get the tools you need to rediscover the person you were born to be and reclaim your true identity.

You’ll also have an opportunity to assess how you’re doing in each of the 10 Key Aspects of Your Authentic Self.


Because they serve as the foundation for your life

When you’re living in alignment with your authentic self, everything else starts to fall into place.

Step 2: Rewrite Your Self-Worth Story

(Develop unwavering self-worth).

The Way of the Phoenix Graphic

Introducing The Way of The Phoenix

Self-worth is the common trait shared by every high achiever. Our goal in this section is to help you develop an unwavering sense of self-worth that will serve as the foundation for your new life.

You see, when we’re born, Beauty, Courage, Wisdom, Joy, and Love are second-nature. It’s only over time that these things get covered up through peer pressure, cruelty, or even trauma.

I designed this model to help you recover what’s been lost along the way. By leaving behind the person you’ve become to keep other people happy, you can tap back into the vibrant life that comes through living in alignment with your authentic self.

I call this life of alignment your Phoenix Life. You’ll be amazed what happens when you work from a place of total and unconditional self-love and self-acceptance.

Step 3: Rewiring Your Mind for Success

(Creating a clear path to your goals).

The Clear Path to Success You’ve Been Looking For…

Utilizing The Success Cycle will help you take your biggest goals and dreams, and place them into a clear and simple 10-step process.

From there, it’s all about implementing your plan and following through until you achieve your goal.

The best part?

By the time we’re done, you will have mastered this timeless self-coaching model!

That means you can use it anytime you want to achieve any goals you have in the future!

Ready to start creating your vibrant and fulfilling HSP life?

Map of Success Cycle Model

Check out the Resources Page to jumpstart your personal growth journey!

Each of the tools you’ll find there is designed to meet you where you are and guide you closer to the life you truly desire…

There’s no wrong place to start, so click through and check out whichever one looks most exciting to you!


Or, better yet, why not hop on a free discovery call with me!

What will we cover in this call?

It’s all about YOU!

I want to get to know all about who you are:

Your goals, your dreams, and your current challenges!

From there, we’ll see which resources might be most helpful for you!

I’ll even recommend other books, programs, podcasts, and resources if I think they’ll help you get where you want to go…


Because, *spoiler alert*: I’m not here to “sell you” on my program.

Do I believe in it? Absolutely!

But my mission is to help MILLIONS of highly sensitive people and empaths live happier, healthier, more fulfilled lives!

If I can do that with through my coaching program (and the other tools I’ve created), that’s great!

If this isn’t the right time or program for you, that’s fine too…

Here’s my promise: By the end of our call, you will walk away encouraged and inspired to begin creating the life you’ve always wanted.

Plus, I promise to recommend at least three tools, exercises, or resources that I know will help you continue forward on your journey!

So, what do you say?  

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know I can help you?

If you’ve read this far, there’s something about Success Cycle Coaching that excites you! However, you may be wondering what, specifically, qualifies me to help you achieve your goals. Here are a few things you may want to know about me…

1. I am a certified life coach.
2. I have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Christian Ministry. 
3. I have used the Success Cycle Model to transform my own life.
4. I’m human, and I can sympathize with whatever you’re struggling with.
5. I also believe in the unlimited potential of everyone I meet (especially you!) 

How Can you know this program is right for you?

If your life is perfect, you’ve achieved all your goals, and you’re not facing any challenges, this program probably isn’t right for you… If, however, there are areas of your life you’d like to improve, but you’re not sure how to get there from here, then this program will be perfect for you!

It’s designed to meet you where you are and guide you through to the achievement of your goals and beyond – to the point where you’re able to inspire others!

What happens after the consultation?

After your discovery call, we’ll begin working through the Success Cycle Model together. Each time we get together, we’ll work through a different step of the Cycle. In this way, we will create a roadmap to guide you from wishing you could achieve your goal to actually accomplishing it! 

This involves coming up with strategies and tactics, developing your strengths, and creating better habits. As we work on these things, I’ll introduce you to coping skills and exercises from the top minds in personal development that will help you make consistent progress in areas which may have held you back in the past. 

What if i still need help after 10 sessions?

The coaching model I’ve developed is designed to walk you through a step of the Cycle each time we meet. However, if you have a long-term goal such as getting physically fit or writing a novel, then it may take longer to reach your goal. That’s perfectly fine!

If you’ve looked over the Success Cycle, you know I’m a big believer in accountability. So, if you’d like my continued help and support, that’s great! We’ll talk about what that might look like when the time comes. 

Are you a therapist or counselor?

No. I am not a licensed therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist. Because of this, I am not able to take payments from insurance companies or prescribe medication. However, if it turns out that you would like help from someone in one of those roles, I am more than happy to help you find a professional you can trust. 

Let's connect!

Feel free to contact me with any questions you have about the Success Cycle. I would love to get to know you and learn more about your challenges and goals!

So, what are you waiting for? Call or email me today!

Better yet, go ahead and book your free discovery call here:






(417) 293-5124




I offer online coaching services. I am also happy to meet with clients in person in Joplin, MO or the 4-state area.