Decide to Turn Your Life Around (Decision Booster #1)

One of Jim Rohn’s most popular teachings was entitled, “The Day That Turns Your Life Around.”

In this lesson, I’d like to apply the principles he shared in that talk to our success journeys.

1. Disgust- It starts with getting disgusted with where we are in life. This disgust might be triggered by the number on the scale, not having enough money to purchase food for your kids, being belittled by a rude coworker (again), or seeing how far you are from where you want your life to go.

Whatever this trigger event might be, it leaves us saying, “Enough is enough! I have to do something about this!”

That leads us to Step 2.

Arrow On Highway
Big Idea Lightbulb

2. Decision- It’s one thing to realize that we need to change. It’s a completely different thing to make the decision to start changing our behaviors and living differently.

Lots of people “want a better life.” If you asked them, they would admit it in a heartbeat. They know they need to change how they’re living, but they never actually take any action to move in the direction of their dreams.

That’s like acknowledging that the building you’re in is on fire, but continuing to sit there until you burn up.

We have to decide that we want a better life for ourselves and then do whatever it takes to get it!

3. Desire- What do you desire? 

Think back to Reason Success Booster #1: What’s your Why?

Your reason for pursuing your goal? The thing that fuels your passion to improve yourself and make the changes necessary to achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of?

A strong desire can carry you through the ups and downs of life until you reach the goal you’re working toward.

4. Resolve- “Resolve is promising yourself you’ll never give up,” as Jim Rohn quotes in his teaching.

Have you made that promise to yourself? Have you set your heart on achieving your goal no matter what?

There will always be reasons to stop.

  • “It’s too hard!”
    “I’m too tired.”
    “I’m just not as smart as everyone else!”

Those excuses are all nonsense!

  • You can do this!
    You have what it takes!
    And you’re just as capable of reaching your goals as anyone else!
    Boy With Model Airplane

    As Jim said, the key to a good resolution is the word “Until”.

    “I’ll keep eating healthy foods until the weight comes off.”

    “I’ll keep progressing in my career until I’m earning all the money I need to support my family!”

    “I’ll keep working on my self-confidence until I’m immune to unhelpful criticism!”

    “I’ll keep working toward my dream until it becomes my reality!”

      This kind of resolve is what separates successful people from unsuccessful people.


      It’s what helps you pick yourself back up after failures.

      It’s what keeps you going through the sweat and tears.

      And it all starts on The Day That Turns Your Life Around.   

      Now that you’re committed to turning your life around, dive on into Step 4: Accountability- Declaring Your Intention!

      Write out your goal and declare it boldly in front of the mirror each day!

      Then, when you’re ready, share it with a friend or family member.

      Then ask them to hold you accountable for making progress toward your goal every single day!

      You’ll be amazed at the progress you’ll make!


      I hope you enjoyed this article! If there’s anything I can do to encourage you on your journey, please leave a comment or send me a message, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

      To your upcoming success!
