Teacher Spotlight: Dr. Robert Anthony

(Use the links below to check out programs, books, and other resources from Dr. Anthony).


Watch this video closely. Dr. Anthony’s understanding of the mind will amaze you!


Dr. Anthony describes himself as a “Change Artist.” For over 30 years, he’s been studying the mind and combining different approaches to help people transform their lives quickly and easily. With a PhD in Cognitive Psychology, as well as additional training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Clinical Hypnosis, Dr. Anthony is in a unique position to provide people with the tools and resources they need to utilize the power of their subconscious minds to create lasting life change.

Not only is he a best-selling author, he’s also a phenomenal teacher and coach. Dr. Anthony’s book The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence has helped millions of people achieve success by introducing ideas about the mind which were years ahead of their time. He has also created programs like The Secret of Deliberate Creation which takes some of his most powerful lessons and puts them into an easy-to-follow program designed to help people live the life of their dreams.


Your thoughts have created your life as you know it (good or bad). This means that by changing the way that you think, you can begin to create the life that you truly want. All it takes is learning to generate the positive thought patterns that will take you where you want to go!


The Secret of Deliberate Creation, Deliberate Creation Instant Self-Hypnosis, Self-Confidence Creator, Mastering Your Inner Game, Zero Resistance Weight Release


The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence, Beyond Positive Thinking, Living Your Magic, Advanced Formula for Total Success,

Doing What You Love, Loving What You Do 

Main Website:

Click here to learn more about Dr. Anthony.

Spotlight Resource

If you’re looking for a program designed to help you unlock the power of your mind so you can create the life of your dreams, this is it!

In this course, Dr. Anthony will teach you to align your conscious and subconscious minds so that they begin working together to help you achieve your goals!

Imagine that! No more tension between who you are and who you want to be. Just effortless success!

Take a look, and see how powerful your mind can be when it’s fully aligned!