Maintaining Motivation with Positive Affirmations

Writing out a positive affirmation can be as simple as stating your goal as though you’ve already achieved it. However, the power of affirmations goes far beyond this.

You see, when you set a goal, your brain immediately looks at that goal and decides whether or not to accept it based on your paradigm or mindset. For some incredible information about how our brain processes goals, check out John Assaraf’s book Innercise: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power.

However, for many of us, setting a big goal instantly triggers the fear center in our brain.

Arrow On Highway
Big Idea Lightbulb

We say, “I want to (insert your goal here)!” And our brain says, “Nope. Can’t do it. You can’t get there from here.”

But, if we send the same message to our brain as an affirmation, not only can we get our brain on board with the goal, it will actually look for ways to help us get there! (Using a built-in tool called the Reticular Activating System).

It’s pretty incredible stuff when your inner critic suddenly becomes your inner coach!

SO, here’s how you put together a powerful affirmation:

First, think about the goal you want to achieve (Vision).

Second, add your reason for accomplishing your goal (Reason).

Now, frame it up like this:

“I’m so happy and grateful that I’ve reached my goal of (whatever you want to accomplish), and I’m now enjoying (insert your core motivation)!”

For example: “I’m so happy and grateful that I’ve reached my ideal weight of 165 pounds, and I’m now filled with the self-confidence to pursue all my goals and dreams!”

Or: “I’m so happy and grateful that I’ve reached my ideal weight of 175 pounds, and I’m now enjoying flying a kite in the park with my grandkids!”

    It’s really that simple!

    Now, let’s multiply the effectiveness of your affirmation.


    By adding repetition!

    After you write out your affirmation, commit to reading it out loud two or three times a day.

    • Carry it with you in your wallet or phone case.
    • Set it as your screen saver.
    • Put a note on your bathroom mirror.
    • Whatever works best for you.

    The important thing is to keep it where you’ll see it!

    Then, when you read it out, trace over it with your finger to imprint it more deeply into your brain.

    Lastly, and possibly most importantly, take a few moments to visualize what it will look like to achieve your goal and let yourself feel the feelings you’ll feel in that moment!

    Does this sound a little crazy?

    Trust me, it’s not. This method is actually backed by neuroscience.

    Plus, what do you have to lose?

    For now, just give it a try and see what happens.

    And, if you’re really brave, take a second to share your positive affirmation with a friend or family member and ask them to hold you accountable for making progress toward bringing your goal to life! 

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