Here are some links to my favorite guest podcast interviews!

This podcast episode is one of the fastest ways for you to find out what I’m all about!

I absolutely loved having this conversation with Rose! 

And I especially enjoyed diving deep into the work I do and why I’m so passionate about helping HSPs, Empaths, and Introverts become the forces of nature we were born to be! 

As you can tell from the picture, I had an absolute blast talking about my what it’s like being an HSP man.

This interview was so much fun, but we also covered some very deep and heartfelt subjects as well.

Be sure to follow along with the amazing work Philippa and Robbie are doing with The HSP Connection on YouTube (or wherever you normally listen to your podcasts).

Back to The Sensitive CEO Show to let Rose’s audience know what you expect from The HSP Awakening Virtual Summit.

Rose was one of our expert guests and was kind enough to invite me back to promote the Summit!

We had a great conversation about the details of the Summit, and the importance of raising awareness around the topic of high sensitivity.

This is a conversation you won’t want to miss! I was so excited to be invited to be a guest on one of my absolute favorite podcasts: The Sensitive CEO Show!

Catherine Wood is the host of the podcast, as well as being another one of the amazing experts speaking at the HSP Awakening Summit!

We had an incredible conversation about what it’s like growing up as a highly sensitive boy, and then Catherine’s intuition led us to spend some time talking about the importance of Reclaiming Your Identity and Rewriting Your Self-Worth Story. 

If you’ve followed me for very long, you know I LOVE talking about the importance of healthy self-worth, and that’s exactly what Barbera Schouten and I dive into in this conversation!

Be prepared for a deep and meaningful interview video where we cover the 5 enemies of self-worth, the 5 pillars of self-worth, as well as how to begin rewriting your self-worth story!

If you missed out on The HSP Awakening Summit, that stinks!

Fortunately, you can still catch the replay of the talk from my solo session (as well as any other sessions you may have missed).

During my talk, I took a look at the 3 Steps to Thriving as a Highly Sensitive Person: Awareness, Understand, Awakening.

Click here to watch the replay, and send me an email or LinkedIn DM if you’d like a link to find the other replays from the Summit.

Let's connect!

Feel free to contact me with any questions you have about the Success Cycle. I would love to get to know you and learn more about your challenges and goals!

So, what are you waiting for? Call or email me today!

Better yet, go ahead and book your free discovery call here:





(417) 293-5124



I offer online coaching services. I am also happy to meet with clients in person in Joplin, MO or the 4-state area.