Why Personal Motivation Is Amazing! (Reason Success Booster #1)
The idea of “finding your Why” has almost reached the point of becoming a cliché in the realm of personal development… but that’s only because so many people are discovering the power of rewiring their subconscious mind to reinforce their motivation!
You see, once you explore your dream and figure out what you want your life to look like, your subconscious mind will immediately balk at the idea.
Why? Because it means changing and getting outside your comfort zone.
So, what can we do?
The next step after finding your reason Why, is to get your subconscious mind on board with your goal.
How do we do that? Repetition, Hypnosis, or Trauma.
These are the three most effective ways to impress new ideas on our subconscious mind. However, let’s skip Trauma for now (as we’re focusing on positive strategies here…)
That leaves us with Repetition and/or Hypnosis.
Now, I’m no expert on Hypnosis, but I recently came across someone who is. So, if you want to explore the world of self-hypnosis or you just want to encounter an incredible force for positivity, I strongly recommend you read and listen to everything you can get your hands on from Marisa Peer. The Free Gifts section on her site is loaded with incredible content and resources to keep you busy for a while (after you finish reading this article!)
Back to Repetition.
Success philosopher Jim Rohn said, “Reasons come first, answers come second.”
This is why writing down your reason for achieving your goal is so important. It’s also incredibly powerful to form what’s called an anchor image regarding your goal. This is an image of what your life will look like once you’ve achieved your goal (preferably one which engages as many senses as possible…)
Once you have your reason and you’ve formed your image, spend time going over them every day. Do it several times a day, if possible.
Because your subconscious mind can’t differentiate between your thoughts and real life, impressing these images and ideas on it will cause a shift inside you. Instead of fighting the change you want to make, your subconscious will begin looking for ways to help you accomplish your goal instead!
On a related note, remember: Your Why is what will get you through the hard times.
It’s the thing that will keep you going when the going gets tough.
It’s like a compass that keeps you moving in the right direction when distractions, temptations, and disappointments come. And they will!
For those of you who are thinking, “I just don’t know if I have what it takes to achieve my goal.”
First, I would agree with personal development experts like Bob Proctor and Kim Calvert who say that the very fact that you want something means you have what it takes to achieve it!
Also, have you ever considered how easily we can figure out how to do something when we know exactly why we must do it!
Bill Banta with the Proctor-Gallagher team often frames it up this way: If your child was sick and he or she desperately needed expensive medicine, do you think you could find a way to get the money to save their life?
Of course you could!
You see, when we have a powerful enough reason why we have to accomplish a goal, we can usually figure out a way to make it happen.
Now, let’s spend the rest of our time answering these questions: Why do you want to achieve your goal, and what are you willing to do to get there?
Here are some powerful examples to help you get started thinking about your own Why:
A why can be External:
- You may want to lose weight so you can play with your kids (or grandkids) without getting winded.
- You may want to get a promotion at work so you can get into a position where you’ll have more family time.
- You may want to become a millionaire to see what it would make of you to achieve that goal (as Jim Rohn’s mentor challenged him…)
- You may even want to work on building confidence so you can attract a partner who will treat you better than you’ve been treated in past relationships.
Or it could be Internal:
- To have more energy.
- To find a new sense of purpose and passion!
- To stop feeling so self-conscious all the time.
- To prove to yourself (and others) you have amazing potential!
Now, take some time to think about your Why.
Fill in this blank: I want to (insert your goal from step 1) so I can _____________________________.
That’s your Why!
It’s the reason that will keep you going when you feel like giving up!
Think of it as your North Star. Let it give you a sense of direction and motivation so you can stay on course toward your goal.
Take your time while you think about your Why.
Don’t rush this part of your journey.
Too many people try to change their lives without taking this step, and then give up on their dreams because they lose sight of their reason for staying the course.
Don’t let that be your story.
Instead, decide today why you must accomplish your goal. Find a powerful reason and craft a dramatic anchor image to go with it!
Give some serious thought to what a happier, healthier, more fulfilled life looks like for you.
Go ahead, dream a little!
- What are you doing?
- Where are you going?
- Who are you with?
That’s your motivation!
Now, keep on working your way through The Success Cycle until you get there!
And, as always, if you have any trouble completing this step (or any other), reach out to me! I’ll be here for you and your dreams every step of the way!