Your Success Story

A Sneak Peek At Your Success…

1. Vision: You imagined your perfect life and picked a goal that would move you closer to becoming your future self.

2. Reason: You discovered an inspiring reason why you needed to achieve that goal and bring your dream to life.

3. Decision: You made the committed decision to pursue your goal and see what it would make of you to achieve it.

4. Accountability: You told someone else about your goal to make it real, and so they could hold you accountable.

5. Action: You started taking steps toward your goal, knowing these changes in behavior would build momentum.

6. Transformation: You began seeing yourself as the type of person who could accomplish your goal, shifting your identity.

7. Expectation: You wrote out an affirmation to reinforce your goal and visualized your life as you wanted it to be. You practiced being grateful.

8. Resilience: You gave yourself grace when you faced internal or external setbacks. You leaned on your support group.

9. Achievement: You reached your goal and celebrated it in a memorable way! You also thanked your supporters.

10. Influence: You looked for people around you who needed courage and encouragement to achieve their goals, and you began to share your inspiration with them!

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    Now comes the really exciting part of The Success Cycle…