
You Are NOT Your Past

Many people want success, but they struggle to move beyond their past failures…

If this sounds familiar, this intro is for you. If not, go ahead and jump to Step 1.


To be honest, struggling to move forward after failure is a big part of my own story.

I love studying anything related to success and personal development, and yet I haven’t achieved all my goals and dreams.

Why not?

Because I’ve spent just as much time looking backward as I have looking forward. Like many people, I’ve had one foot pointed toward the future and another planted firmly in the past.

Have you ever felt this way?

Maybe you tell yourself things like:

  • I’m just not good enough.

  • I could never do that.

  • My mistakes disqualify me.

Or maybe (like me) you’ve struggled with a flood of negative “What ifs?”

  • What if I fail? (Or fail again?)

  • What If I disappoint the people I love?

  • What if my friends and family reject me?

Create Your Own Future Blocks

The truth is, the problem is not what we perceive as our limitations. In fact, many of those are just excuses we put in place to keep ourselves from getting outside our comfort zone. And most of the rest are labels that other people have assigned to us over time to keep us in their comfort zone.

Think about that for a second.

Are you living the life of your dreams, or are you living the life you’ve resigned yourself to?

A half-life of depression, loneliness, and broken dreams…

That’s where I spent years of my life. Atoning for the same sins over, and over, and over again by never letting myself dare to dream or believe I could have a better life. Punishing myself for the things I couldn’t go back and fix.

Until the day I came to the realization: I am NOT my past. Neither are you!

We are not defined by our worst mistakes.

We’re defined by the choices we make today, and each day moving forward.

Consider this, we wouldn’t tell a child, “All you’re ever going to be in life is the sum total of all your mistakes.”

So why do we tell ourselves that lie?

We encourage children to dream big dreams and live up to their potential. We ask them what they want to be when they grow up and we cheerlead them in those endeavors.

It’s time to do the same thing for ourselves.

If you’re ready, come with me on this journey, and let’s see what we can accomplish together.

Because, the truth is, you are not your past; but, in a very real way, you are your future…

Be sure to check out these amazing resources related to this subject:

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