Step 1: Vision

Exploring Your Dream

Welcome to Step 1 of the Success Cycle, I’m glad you made it!

As we get started, just know that this journey is all about YOU, so be sure to get really involved in it.

Be sure to answer each question and fill in the blanks as you go.

You’ll find out there’s not as much distance between you and your dream as you might’ve thought.


What would your life look like if everything were perfect?

No limits. No fears. No worries.

Picture your life just the way you want it.

If that seems too vague, let’s get a little more specific.

Try thinking about your life in these seven areas:


     1. Personal Development

     2. Relationships

     3. Career

     4. Finances

     5. Health and Fitness

     6. Fun Time and Hobbies

     7. Legacy

Floating Lanterns
Vision Icon

Now, with these categories in mind, close your eyes and really picture your perfect life. (Go ahead, nobody’s watching…)

  • What are you like as a person? Are you wise, kind, generous, joyful?

  • What do your relationships look like? Who’s there? Who isn’t?

  • How are you making a living? Are you engaged in your dream career?

  • How much money do you have? Just enough, more than enough, incredible wealth?

  • How’s your health? Are you enjoying amazing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness?

  • What do you do for fun? Travelling around the world? Spending time with family and friends?

  • What legacy are you leaving behind? Are you someone other people want to be like?

If you really want to drive this exercise home, start at the end of your life and work backward. (It seems a little odd, I know…)

But think about it: If everything went perfectly from now until the day you die, what would your life look like?

This is where our clearest goals come from: Taking a good look at our desired future self.

Okay, time for the big question (drumroll please…)

Are you ready to make your dream life a reality?

Awesome! Go ahead and pick out one of your goals, and let’s get started!

My Goal:

I am going to                                                                              .

Be sure to check out these amazing resources related to this subject:

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